Marketing for mediators
After completing the training to become a certified mediator, many participants face theQuestion: "How and where can I use my acquired skills in the future and how do I reach potential customers?"
We want to take up these questions (and more) on two dates and answer them individually. On the one hand, the content will be one's own career, one's individual location and the creative definition of goals. On the other hand, it is about marketing basics that can provide assistance on the way to these goals.
We look forward to conveying marketing impulses that encourage mediators to make their individual offer more specific and thus to reach their target group more precisely.
Dates: in planning
Cost: around €300
Workshop leader:
Paula Gomez Perea
• Graduate economist
• 20 years of experience in large international corporations with a focus on
Marketing, key account management and strategic consulting
• Certified mediator
• Freelance founder in the field of mediation as a management tool for international companies
• Passionate, creative and result-oriented
Additional Information:

Andrea Hesterberg
• Studied business administration with a focus on marketing
• Media planning in a media agency with international customers
• Certified mediator and further training in the field of NVC and coaching
• My strengths include openness, teamwork and structured work